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Suffering from arthritis can be a persistent challenge, but it’s crucial not to resign yourself to the pain. Many individuals have tried to cope with the discomfort through rest and medication, only to find it escalating and encroaching further into daily life.

However, there are natural methods to alleviate arthritis pain, enabling you to return to an active and enjoyable lifestyle unburdened by stiffness and discomfort. By incorporating targeted exercises, adopting proper joint-friendly habits, and making lifestyle modifications, you can effectively manage arthritis and regain control over your mobility and quality of life.

What is arthritis and its common misconceptions?

Another topic which Dr. Brad specializes in is arthritis. People assume that arthritis is really bad and you can’t do anything about it.

What are the types and locations of arthritis?

We’re not meant to last forever, things change over time and arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, which is mostly what people are dealing with, can surface in your spine, you can get it in your fingers, you can get it in your knees, you can get it in your shoulders, you can get in your neck.

Can arthritis be managed and improved?

Arthritis is something that sounds really bad, and you may hear someone say “I have arthritis, there’s nothing I can do.” But Dr. Brad disputes that and he really hates to hear it being said. Even in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, there’s tons of research, and he has tons of examples, that people can get fully pain free, fully active again, and be able to improve their life.

What factors contribute to the development of arthritis?

Because all arthritis is just a general wearing away of the joint surface. Sometimes it happens sooner than later, based on different things like trauma, or if you’ve been a smoker in the past, or perhaps you’ve been inactive. Sometimes when you have arthritic conditions getting started hurts, and you don’t know if that’s correct or not.

How can a healthcare provider help manage arthritis symptoms?

So Dr. Brad can help you get to know what’s good and what’s bad as far as how arthritis should feel. The good thing about arthritis is that whatever diagnosis you’ve been given, or you think you have, you can get better, you can manage that.

Can severe arthritis be successfully treated?

Dr. Brad and his team have successfully treated patients suffering such severe knee arthritis, you can hear it grinding when they walk. Then, once they were through treatment, they were pain-free with no restrictions. They could do stairs, they could walk, they could exercise, and really get back to an active healthy life, even in the presence of ‘arthritis’.

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