Back Pain Myths from your doctor, friends and even social media - that are not true and leave you in pain

If you've endured chronic back pain or arthritis, chances are you've encountered a diverse array of anecdotes and perspectives from acquaintances, family members, and even outdated medical guidance recommending rest and reliance on painkillers. This conflicting advice often leaves individuals feeling bewildered, frustrated, and unable to attain lasting relief.

Here are some prevalent chronic back pain myths that our clinic attendees have been misled by, exacerbating their chronic back pain and arthritis issues and hindering their recovery from injuries.


MYTH #1 - Bulging Discs are Untreatable

Dr. Brad encounters the myth that having a bulging disc means nothing can be done to fix it. This misconception often arises from misinformation found online, hearsay from friends or family, or misinterpretation of medical advice.


MYTH #2 - Clarification on Medical Advice

Sometimes, patients believe their doctors imply there's nothing that can be done to address their condition. However, this may reflect limitations in the scope of treatment options offered by certain healthcare providers rather than the true extent of available interventions.


MYTH #3 - Seeking a 'Fix' for Pain

Dr. Brad dispels the myth of seeking a quick fix for back pain. Instead, he emphasizes understanding the underlying causes of pain and implementing strategies to improve overall function and mobility.

Rather than "fixing" a problem, Dr. Brad focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of pain to facilitate progress towards a healthier, pain-free lifestyle.


MYTH #4 - Misconception about Diagnostic Imaging

Many people believe that diagnostic tests like X-rays or MRIs provide a definitive diagnosis and solution for their pain. However, Dr. Brad educates patients that while these tests can reveal structural abnormalities, they do not always correlate with symptoms or provide a complete understanding of functional movement patterns and imbalances.


MYTH #5 - Managing Pain Instead of Fixing It

Dr. Brad emphasizes the importance of managing pain rather than seeking a permanent fix. He guides patients in adopting strategies to minimize flare-ups and maintain their functional capacity over the long term.


MYTH #6 - Understanding Flare-Ups

Patients are informed that experiencing occasional flare-ups is a normal part of life, especially in a sedentary lifestyle common among many Americans.

Dr. Brad teaches patients how to effectively manage flare-ups and mitigate their impact on daily activities.


MYTH #7 - Empowerment to Live Pain-Free

Contrary to popular belief, Dr. Brad assures patients that conditions like arthritis and bulging discs can be effectively managed, allowing individuals to lead largely pain-free and active lives.

He encourages patients to adopt a proactive approach to their health and well-being, emphasizing that pain management is achievable through education, lifestyle modifications, and proper self-care techniques.

Are You Upset, Unsure Or Even Confused About These Myths That People You Trusted Have Told You - Which Have Probably Led To MORE BACK PAIN?

I know how upsetting it can be when you don't know why you're in pain, or struggling to move freely - and my expert team would love to help you get some clarity in a quick, free telephone call.

Simply click the button below, and arrange a free telephone consultation with our expert team who can answer your questions, listen to your story, and end your uncertainty, confusion and frustration.

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